Loops are used when we need to run the same code lines many times.
What is a Loop?
A loop runs the same code over and over again, as long as the condition is true
The simulation below uses a loop to roll dice until the result is 6, counting how many times the dice was rolled.
Rolled 0 times
The loop continues to roll the dice until the result is 6, so the condition that ensures we roll the dice again is "dice is not 6".
Below is a flow chart explaining how the loop runs, together with the code:
Note: !=
is a comparison operator, and it is the same as saying "not equal to".
The code example above uses a while
Other loop types are for
, for-each
, and do-while
The loop types are all similar and described in more detail below.
While Loop
A while
loop is best to use when you don't know how many times the code should run.
The while
loop is the most intuitive loop type because it resembles many things we do in our every day life:
- Keep walking (taking new steps) until you reach your destination.
- As long as the pot is dirty, continue washing it.
- Keep filling the tank of the car until it is full.
As we saw in the example above, we cannot know how many times the code should run, because we don't know when the user will roll a 6, and that is why we use a while
Below is the complete code for the dice rolling, written in different programming languages.
dice = random.randint(1,6)
count = 1
while dice != 6:
dice = random.randint(1,6)
count += 1
print('You got 6!')
print('You rolled',count,'times')
Run Example »If we know how many times the code should run, it usually makes sense to use a for
loop instead of a while
For Loop
A for
loop is best to use when you know how many times the code should run, and the most basic thing we can do with a for
loop is counting.
To count, a for
loop uses a counting variable to keep track of how many times the code has run.
The counting variable in a for
loop is set up like this:
- Starting value.
- Condition using the counting variable, the for loop runs as long as the condition is true.
- Description of how the counting variable should change each time the loop runs.
The code example below simulates the launch of a space rocket. It counts down from 10 to 1, and then writes "Liftoff!", using a for
loop with a counting variable i
for (let i = 10; i > 0; i--) {
Run Example »Such for loops using a counting variable are written slightly different in Python, using the Python range()
function, but the idea is the same. You can read more about how for loops work in Python here.
Note: The counting variable is often named i
, j
, or k
. This keeps it short and makes it easier to read. These letters are also used in Mathematics, for similar things.
For-Each Loop
Going through a list of items, like an array
for example, using a for
loop without a counting variable, can be called "iterating", or "using a for-each loop".
This is how we use a for-each loop to iterate over the values in an array:
myFruits = ['banana','apple','orange']
for fruit in myFruits:
Run Example »Another way to iterate through an array is to use a for
loop with a counting variable for the indexes, like this:
const myFruits = ['banana','apple','orange'];
for (let i = 0; i < myFruits.length; i++) {
Run Example »The Do-While Loop
A do-while
loop is just like a regular while
loop, but the code inside the loop runs first, and the condition is checked after.
This means a do-while
loop is useful when you want to make sure the code inside the loop runs at least once.
We can take the first code example on this page that demonstrates how a regular while
loop works (rolling dice untill you get a 6), and simplify it using a do-while
loop, like this:
let dice;
let count = 0;
do {
dice = Math.ceil(Math.random()*6);
count += 1;
} while (dice != 6);
console.log('You got 6!');
console.log('You rolled',count,'times');
Run Example »A do-while
fits better for this purpose, because we roll the dice first, and then check if we got a 6, right?
Note: Python actually does not have a do-while loop, but it can be simulated as you can see in the code example above, using a while loop with an if to break out of the loop when the dice is 6.
Nested Loops
A nested loop is a loop inside another loop.
This is how we can use a nested loop (while loop inside a for loop) to calculate the average number of rolls it takes to get a 6:
numExperiments = 1000
totalRolls = 0
for i in range(numExperiments):
count = 0
while True:
dice = random.randint(1,6)
count += 1
if dice == 6:
totalRolls += count
print('Average rolls to get 6:',totalRolls/numExperiments)
Run Example »Notice how the break
statement is used to break out of the inner loop when a 6 is rolled, but the outer loop continues to run.